Ancient Cellars

Furore! Il paese che non c'è




"Cotesta wine possesses in a high degree what makes the quality of the wines of France and generally lacking in our own: the bouquet looks like the bouquet of Burgundy which for some delicious varieties such as Clos Vougeot and enjoys Romanet the first fruits of all the wines of France. Now therefore remains proved that the hills of Novara can compete with the hills of Burgundy, and that in the struggle to triumph it is only necessary diligent owners who manufacture wine, and rich and elegant wolverines that establish the riputazione.Vorrei sincerely to cooperate in this crusade wine. "With these words Cavour, in 1845, describes the wines of Novara Hills and it is through this awareness that La Cantina Ca 'De' Santi preserves from 1894 until today the secrets of these great wines. Our winery is located in the heart of the "Sweet Earth" as it is poetically called the territory bounded by the Sesia and Ticino rivers in the heart of Piedmont, between green hills meet, in the plains, rice paddies and little villages with a strong agricultural tradition and craftsmanship . Viticulture in these areas has ancient traditions and has been practiced for many centuries thanks to the favorable microclimate, due to the proximity of Monte Rosa, the Sesia Valley to the mountains and to a soil composed of clay, sand and gravel of glacial origin. Care of the vineyards, control of the production and commitment to offer products of the highest quality, are the guidelines to a winning philosophy and constructive. To this must be to join a large image strategy, product differentiation in multiple lines market and the desire to open up new channels of communication. Now the winery is equipped with the best winemaking technology to obtain products with high organoleptic characteristics. The annual production of bottles of wine waiting around 250,000 units.

Antiche Cantine


La nostra terra....